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Only fact I was bothered by was the fact that everyone took the act of rape very lightly, joking abut it and all. Personally, I pretended it didn’t happen (to that extent). It was for, like, a single episode anyway.
ดวงใจอัคนี |Dung Jai Akkanee|Thailakorn
Heaven seemed to have other plans for them. After an unforgettable misunderstanding and the rivalry between the two families, their lives were forever intertwined. The flowers will start to blossom, but can Fai
As to why I loved the show (aside from all the aforementioned reason) : I loved the fact that, even through all all of their bickering, the OTP still had so many cute moments It was always them fighting against the world. And it’s not the misunderstandings never occurred, but when they did, they were resolved very quickly. The other party was always open to reasoning and logics, and just listening to the person they loved