They call me the unlovedWoman who came from the fieldThe one who keeps in her wombThe seed of life They call me the unlovedWoman, daughter of the earthThe one who in so many waysGoes shedding her tears Oh, such painSuch pain it brings youIn your soul, oh, such painBecause they don’t look at her Oh, such painSuch pain it brings youIn your soul, oh, such painBecause they don’t look at her They call me the unlovedSome have mistreated meOthers without looking me in the eyesSilenced my words They cut me with knivesThey raped my starving breastWhen what I wanted mostWas a hug over a slow fire I want you to stop beside meLook into my eyes for a momentI want you to stop beside meFeel my voice, open your heavenOpen your heaven They call me the unlovedWith a sacred fabricThey killed my thoughtsMutilating my dreams so. When I was a very young girlI ran with my feet bareBut when they called me an ugly little girlThey darkened my smiles I want you to stop beside meLook into my eyes for a moment I want you to stop beside meFeel my voice, open your heavenOpen your heaven Oh, such painSuch pain it brings meIn my soul, oh, such painBecause they don’t look at her Oh, such painSuch pain it brings meIn my soul, oh, such painBecause they don’t look at her Oh, such painSuch pain it brings meIn my soul, oh, such painBecause they don’t look at her Oh, such painSuch pain it brings meIn my soul, oh, such painBecause they don’t look at her (Spoken)Every time I sing this song I feel that…I feel this fire kindling inside my body.I feel as if I were connectedTo other ages, to other times, to other places, and to other women. I feel that all of us women share the painOf being mistreated or being unloved.And I feel that in these ages, in these timesWhat we really must work hard for is…Well, to be able to reconcile our energies, you know? with our men. There have been some very bad men throughout historyBut there have also been good men,And in all of us, I feel that there’s a masculine energy and a feminine energy inhabiting us Personally, for me there’s been this whole learning process.Really, how to learn to live with these two energiesThat, that inhabit me, that live in me, you know?And to manage to balance them for me to be in harmony with myselfAnd with everything that surrounds me. Oh, such painSuch pain it brings youIn your soul, such painBecause they don’t, no they don’t look at her Oh, such painSuch pain it bringsBecause they don’t look at herBecause they don’t look at her Oh, such painSuch pain it bringsTo my soul, oh, such painBecause they don’t look at her Oh, such painSuch pain it bringsTo my soul, oh, such painBecause they don’t look at her Oh, such painSuch pain it bringsTo my soul, oh, such painBecause they don’t look at her Oh, such painSuch pain it bringsTo my soul, oh, such painBecause they don’t look at her Oh, such painSuch pain it brings meIn my soul, oh, such painBecause you don’t look at me Oh, such painSuch pain it brings meIn my soul, oh, such painBecause you don’t look at me They call me the unlovedhttps://lyricstranslate.com/en/la-malquerida-unloved.html-0