Download Ruk Ok Rit ep 04 | รักออกฤทธิ์ | Thai Drama | thaidrama |, Watch Ruk Ok Rit ep 04 | รักออกฤทธิ์ | Thai Drama | thaidrama |, don't forget to click on the like and share button. Series Ruk Ok Rit always updated at Thai Drama TV. Don't forget to watch other series updates.
Ruk Ok Rit | รักออกฤทธิ์ | Half a point because of lack of consistency: Joe is such a GREAT detective, uh? Well this show completely contradicts this premise towards the end.
Ruk Ok Rit ep 04 | รักออกฤทธิ์ | Thai Drama | thaidrama |
Half a point because of the lack of sweet moments between the leads. This is highly subjective, but as for me, I like it when the leads get together mid-drama and we get a good amount of tenderness before the end. It was not the case for this drama, and even though the chemistry was there, it still was a very low burn romance!
Half a point because of stupid plot devices like: pointless deaths. I don’t understand why lakorn writers feel the need to always gratuitously kill at least one (mostly) innocent minor character towards the end of a drama, but I really think they ought to find some other plot device to insert gravity and stakes into a story. Not every consequence needs to be death.
Ruk Ok Rit | รักออกฤทธิ์ |
- Native Title: รักออกฤทธิ์
- Director: King Somching Srisupap
- Genres: Mystery, Comedy, Romance, Drama, Detective, Investigation
- Tags: Unlucky Male Lead, Death Of Husband, Unlucky Female Lead, Hidden Personality, Superstition, Calm Female Lead, Hidden Identity, Nice Male Lead
- Drama: Ruk Ok Rit
- Country: Thailand
- Episodes: 13

- Aired: May 17, 2014 – Jun 14, 2014
- Aired On: Friday, Saturday, Sunday
- Original Network: Channel 3
- Duration: 1 hr. 50 min.
- Content Rating: Not Yet Rated
- Score: 7.5 (scored by 123 users)
- Ranked: #12302
- Popularity: #8332
- Watchers: 375

Because it’s a refreshing story, a detective story with a funny sherlock type lead (with the disguises to go with it). Also the Female Lead is far from a damzelle in distress, she’s very resourceful. I liked the mix of supernatural and very practical elements. And there’s a good chemistry between the leads (Pope is SO charming!).
Ruk Ok Rit | รักออกฤทธิ์ |
Half a point of because of the repititiveness: I mean, at some point it was just ludicrous how Joe would run for an entire episode after a lead that would end up having just been a complete waste of time. I also feel that the writer started contradicting themselves. So was Joe really unlucky or was it just a coincidence that lightening hit this guy right after he had given him money??